Math Bash 2 Released

Final updates and released Math Bash 2!

This is  a re-write of the Decker version of Math Bash using the love2d library. Using love2d was much easier since the iterator cycle was faster, the language was more familiar even though I know nothing about lua, there were more tutorials available for love2d, I was able to spread the code across files and classes.

Some final release notes:

  • I'm amazed the Love Web Builder worked perfectly. The only kink was ParticleSystem.setEmissionArea was not supported. Removing the call did not change much to the display and the game worked fine.
  • Took a little effort to get touchscreen displays to work by propagating the touchpressed event
  • Scaling some images correctly by using graphics.getHeight instead of graphics.getPixelHeight. I think this has something to do with DPI which I don't understand. This only affect mobile devices.
  • Generating the itchio thumbnail was annoying. I needed to scale an 800x600-ish image to 630x350 while preseving aspect ratio, filling in the background with white and centering the scaling. After many attempts I arrived at the following:
convert $f -resize "630x500" -background white  -gravity center \
-compose Copy -extent 630x500 $fo && open $fo && identify $fo

Hopefully the above line will save someone an hour of frustration.

On to the next project!

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